Hello? Anybody here?
It's been over a month since my last post and, sadly, I don't have much to share in terms of knitting content. I'm not worried, I know I'll have time to knit again, someday, but right now my baby boy is taking 95 % of my time (I sleep the other 5 % of the time).
He's in my arms a lot and, sadly, I haven't yet mastered one-hand knitting. I can (and do!) browse patterns on Ravelry a lot though, so my queue has been getting longer even though I'm not knitting. Here are a few patterns that have recently caught my fancy:
Calligraphy cardiganBazinga mittens (as a brand new Big Bang Theory addict, I *need* these!)
Garden gnome hat and
mittensMidnight mittensWayna Picchu Earflap HatIn other news, I just found out that Knitpicks is going to dramatically increase the price of their Palette yarn. Instead of 1,99-2,19 a ball, it'll be 3,29-3,49. The price is supposed to go up sometime today. Palette is my favourite yarn for fair isle mittens, so I decided to stock up while the price was still low. I got 20 colours!
I'll post a pic when it gets here. Meanwhile, here's a picture of the boy who's been occupying all my free time:
Why would I want to knit when I can spend all my time looking at that cute face? :)