Thursday, December 04, 2008

Days of our Parliament

Things are completely crazy in Canada right now, ladies and gentlemen. Never before has federal politics been so exciting for me! And apparently, the US medias don't talk about it so I invite you all to read this blog post by the Yarn Harlot. She explains the whole thing very well.

Our prime minister is with the Governor General right now (probably asking her to prorogue parliament). My thoughts:

1. Stephen Harper is arrogant deserves everything that is happening right now. Governing like a majority when you're a minority could only work for so long.

2. I would personally like to see what the coalition could do, despite the fact that I strongly dislike Stéphane Dion (who is an intelligent man, but a very weak leader). I don't know if there's any chance they could replace him before May (Michael Ignatieff would be my choice), but I think it would be best.

3. Separatists =/= evil, dammit! I've been reading forums and watching TV and there seems to be quite a bit of Quebec-bashing going on outside of our province. And people wonder why few Quebecers are federalists...

4. Quebec will be electing its prime minister on Dec. 8, but no one is talking about the campaign right now because what's going on in Ottawa is so much more interesting. Jean Charest (our current PM) must be so happy. He's ahead in the polls right now and he could spend the rest of his campaign in Florida and no one would notice...


Montreal Mama said...

And my vote probably wont even count. Maybe I'll go join him in FL. LOL>

Tara said...

I agree with you about the Quebec-bashing. Harper's whole approach about it being wrong and dangerous to side with separatists is really making me uncomfortable.

Sam said...

Yarn Harlot comment was something that was worth reading - but what really p... me off these days is also the way it is being covered by the media...(No offense to you here :)) Even SRC seems biased - or too opiniated - especially when it comes to the "crisis".. Mr. Filion (Economic news) is stating stats about real estate but forget to mention that while the overall average is only 6% - there was an increase of estate value by 10-12% in the East while the West got finally readjusted to -7%. I mean why just scare everybody - it will just negatively contribute to the whole mess.. hmmph - we decided last night to write to the Telejournal about it..

Karine said...

Au contraire ma chère, apparently this soap is being followed closely by the NYT...

ng2000 said...

Valuable resource of canadian parliament news summaries: