Sunday, November 28, 2004

Dear Santa...

I'm going to skip the "I've been a good girl, yadda, yadda" talk and get straight to the point: my wish list. Come on, you know that's why I'm writing anyways and all this "good girl" talk is just a way to make sure I get what I want (but for the record, I *have* been a good girl). :p I therefore present you with:

Caroline's Knitting-Related Christmas Wish List
(in no particular order)

1. A set of Denise interchangeable needles. I really need this.
2. Stitch N' Bitch Nation! It's nowhere to be found in Montreal :(
3. Any other knitting book, really. The only ones I have are Stitch N' Bitch (yeah, the first one), Knit Wit and Knitting on the Edge.
4. A subscription to Interweave Knits <3
5. Handpainted yarn
6. Any other yarn. I'm really not picky.
7. A few more hours in the day, that I can use exclusively for knitting.
8. The pattern for the Rogue sweater. I know I'm not going to make it NOW (I want to try an easier sweater first), but I definitely want to make it someday.
9. A knitting coach and/or some knitting friends
10. More space to store my mini-stash

Thank you for reading this letter and I wish you a very merry Christmas.



Ps/There will be cookies waiting for you on December 24th.

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