Sunday, June 03, 2007

Weekly WIP report

I'm keeping with my new tradition (can you say "new tradition"?) and posting a WIP report.

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You can see where I am with Roza's socks (though they are NOT that bright in person) and Isabella.

I've mostly worked on Isabella this past week because I'm really looking forward to finishing it. Of course, after the knitting I'll need to seam it. Hopefully, it won't take me as long as the blue cardigan. God I hate seaming. I really should ask the owner of Effiloché if she gives finishing lessons. I want beautifully seamed sweaters dammit!

I'll leave you with a link to Mona's blog, where you will find the great new sock pattern that she designed. I think it'll be next on my sock list.

1 comment:

Do said...

I'm not so good at finishing either. That's the part I hate the most.