Saturday, September 15, 2007

Roxham Wool Gathering

I woke up early this morning to go to the annual Roxham Wool Gathering with Robyn, Mona and Janet (blogless, I think).

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It was my first time going and I had a lovely time. But I was a little disappointed, there definitely wasn't that much wool. It was more like a craft fair with some wool than a wool gathering. But I love craft fairs so I was happy. And there was some wool:

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(Robyn and Mona, looking at the wool)

There were knit rats:

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And super cute hats:

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There even were sheep!

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And the most adorable dog (I heard someone say her name is Phoebe):

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She's totally smiling at me isn't she?

I didn't buy any wool but I did get some roving for my Secret Pal. I don't think she reads my blog, but just in case, I won't post a picture. I also bought a bottle of wine (very good, I got to taste it beforehand).

So it was a nice day. And since I didn't spend much money, I have some to spend at Effiloché! But not now. I just bought a ball winder (yesssss, I finally have one) and I want to knit from the stash before I buy more. I'm not really on a yarn diet, but I do have yarn that I want to use so I really don't need any more. I would like to finish my current projects, knit a scarf for my boyfriend, the streakers shrug, the endpaper mitts and at least 3 pairs of socks before I buy anything new. Will I succeed? I doubt it, but I'll try!


Anonymous said...

Hi, we have been going to the Roxham whool gathering for a few years and we fell in love with the place and the athmosphere. I must say it was a bit different this year though. Not as many artisans there I though. But still a nice and whimsical place to see. We could not even eat, there were so many people, we could not wait that long. Could not even get close to the sheep cheese man , he was too busy as well. But nice visit anyhow.

Anonymous said...

I meant wool gathering not whool.... oups sorry.