Friday, January 22, 2010

Food Friday (now with pictures!)

It's Friday! Yay! AND, I'm adding something new to my food posts: PICTURES! Now, I'm no food photographer. If you want pretty yummy pics, check out Smitten Kitchen, Coconut & Lime, Confections of a Foodie Bride or some of the other beautiful food blogs out there!

Oh and I can't promise there'll be pics every week, but I'll try! Now let's look at them resolutions!

Meatless Monday

I had a lot of ideas for lunch, but when I went to the grocery store on Sunday, I couldn't find some of the ingredients I needed. So I ended up with a frozen dinner from Le Commensal. Funny, I used to love them a few years back, but I really didn't enjoy it this time. Oh well.

Dinner was easy, I made vegetarian pizza!


The crust is flatbread that I got at the grocery store. I used mock pepperoni and veggies (I remember onions, lots of broccoli and red and yellow peppers). I froze the leftover vegetarian pepperoni, but I will most likely make another pizza next Monday. It was yummy and I love pizza.


I made pork that was cooked in cider. There were lots of veggies in there, as well as apples, thyme and bay leaves.


Honestly? It wasn't that good. I mean it was ok. The pork was tender and I like all the veggies. And I always like using fruits in recipe. But it lacked some flavour. Chris suggested we add more spices next time we make it, but I don't think there will be a next time.

Trying new recipes

The pork, above, was a new recipe!

New recipes made this year: 5

Cooking from my cookbooks

Again, the pork mentionned above was from a little cookbook I have, called "Je cuisine... plats mijotés".


Sam said...

Excuse pour le commentaire en français mais je cherchais trop mes mots pour les recettes et indices. Bref, pour la mijoteuse, la meilleure façon est de saisir la viande pour en développer tous les sucs avant de la mettre dans la mijoteuse. Je te suggère la recette de Louis-Francois Marcotte (Le goût de Louis) qui a paru dans La Presse dans le temps des fêtes. Le meilleur rôti de palette que j'ai mangé - la recette est disponible sur Cyberpresse. Ricardo en avait une aussi que j'ai essayé et c'était super bon. Mais la clé de la réussite est de saisir toutes les viandes - y compris le poulet. A+

Tara said...

Yay for food pictures! Have you ever read Vegan Yum-Yum's blog? Her pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! And might be a good inspiration for Meatless Monday recipes as well :)